17 January 2008

Winter Walk To Valentines Day #4

anne frank house door

I missed #3. That didn't take long for me to fail in the every day category. Ah well - onwards we go.

Today I chose a picture I took while in Amsterdam this summer. It is the front door of Anne Frank's House.

The past few days have brought some very disappointing news about my options for getting the type of care I need here. Since late November I have been more or less housebound because of pain and fatigue caused by fibromylagia, and things are getting worse. I do my best to keep a positive outlook, but it is hard when hopes are taken away like they were yesterday. I feel trapped in my home. Trapped in my body.

What I am dealing with is not at all on the level of trapped that the Frank family must have felt hiding out in the tiny hidden rooms of their house, literally fearing for their life with every step they took. Yet reflecting on this image and the legacy that such a young girl left behind reminds me that even when there is not a happy ending, there is still great value in a life lived to its fullest within whatever limitations present themselves.

1 comment:

Growing in the Green said...

Katie, I lvoe you my sister in the other place far far away.

I feel sad to hear of your struggles. Wish I was closer to have a few drinks, laughs, and make you some herbwitchery type grub:)In hopes for some releif of your symptoms