09 February 2011

Vulnerability and Joy

A friend shared this with me today.

Brene Brown: The power of vulnerability | Video on TED.com

It blew me away. Deeply. I'm still kind of reeling from it so not being very eloquent. I Found myself feeling encouraged by ways I have learned to embrace vulnerability (and it is something I have had to learn and it was hard. Actually - am learning...is hard.) but really resistant to opening up to where I shut it down. Gently tapping on the door to those parts of myself. Baby steps.

As is often the case with these kind of things, it seems to be well timed. (Likely because its relevance is core to ones being so it is hard to not be well timed!) In the present moment and the near future there promises to be more than enough opportunities to practice my vulnerability. To embrace the non-guarantee and find love in compassion to self first and extending it to those who are equally as imperfect. Growing my sense of worthiness.

Change is afoot here in the South of Spain. Winter (such as it is) is giving way to the promise of Spring. That which has been brewing in the darkness is coming to light. Soon... Soon... Soon...

I've been silent for a long time. Surrounded by my vulnerability and - as I now realize after watching the TEDtalk - doing my very best at denying it to all, including myself. Rationalized of course by a huge laundry list of very very good reasons to do so. The irony of which is actually bringing me great amusement and joy. I'm curious to find what else I've been keeping hidden from others and therefore myself. What treasures will I unearth? What will be sprouting as I let the sun shine and warm the seeds that lie buried?