07 January 2008

SHHHHH.... Listen Closely...

Do you hear that? No? Neither do I. And that's just it - there is nothing to hear. It is quiet!

The kids went back to school today. I love 'em to pieces, and we did manage to have a pretty nice Christmas holiday, but I am glad its back to normal around here. First order of business is to take a long uninterrupted nap. Beyond that I have no plans.

I pushed a little harder than I probably should have while the girls were on their break. I am feeling the effects of it pretty deeply these past few days and it will be good to get back into a more restful routine. I used to be able to get by with brief periods of resting between times that I was more active. Now its the opposite. I need to have brief periods of activity between the time that I rest. Simple things like doing the grocery shopping will ensure that I will have a few days of pain and flaring of other symptoms. Its hard to keep from feeling useless when its like this so my response is to push a little harder and accept the consequences. Which is what I have been doing the past couple weeks and it has taken its toll.

On the health front, we are looking into some more treatment options in hopes that I will find some relief and improvement, but so far it's slow going. I need to get referrals that take time to come through. We could go private in lieu of waiting, but that is very expensive so for now we are content to go through the red tape. In the meantime we all do our best to cope with this. And today that means taking a nap. Naps are good!

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