15 January 2008

Winter Walk To Valentine's - Day 2

frosty field
Originally uploaded by BeneathOurFeet
I took this picture over the Christmas holidays. It is the view from my bedroom window looking to the horse fields behind the house. When we moved in during the spring the trees provided a curtain that has now been drawn to unveil the horses and hills that were hidden. I chose this picture today because as I write this, the field is once again flooded due to heavy rainfall. It has been raining buckets for a few days and show to keep it up for at least a few more. In July these same fields and the road that runs in front of our house were under several feet of water. Luckily then our house didn't flood, but with the ground still heavy deep from all the rain we had last "summer" things are certain to get bad quickly. Wish us luck and send us stay dry or stay afloat thoughts!


MB said...

Wow! What a gorgeous view!

M. said...
