14 June 2008

If I Only Had A Brain

If I had a brain, I would have spent this afternoon sorting through the dozens of great pictures I took this morning of Anja as she danced her little heart out. If I had a brain, I would be posting pictures of her as she did her English Country dancing with her schoolmates for the Village Twinning Celebration Day. (Twinning is the UK version of the 'sister-city' thing for our US readers) If I had a brain you would see her dancing her heart out, smiling ear to ear, and wearing a read shirt while everyone else was wearing white which made it really easy to spot her in the group. (Not quite sure where the communication breakdown in the day's dress code was. But it is quintessential Anja to stand out like that.)

If I had a brain I would have remembered to put the memory card in the camera before I left. If I had a brain I would have looked at the camera and noticed that while I was busy snapping away it was trying to tell me that my memory card was missing. But since I don't have a brain, I didn't. I do have a heart, and it is very sad because I really wanted to share those pictures with you, and I really would have liked to be able to sit with Anja this evening so she could see herself dancing with such glee. But I don't have a brain, So I can't. Hopefully your imagination is working better than my brain. It really was a fun time.

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