13 August 2005

Slowly But Surely

Each day brings a bit of progress in our efforts to settle and feel at home. This week saw several landmark steps... Monday our furniture was delivered from Ikea (after 2 failed attempts by delivery drivers who couldn't find their own asses). That alone has made a huge difference in feeling like we actually live here as opposed to camping out in a flat. (which we were almost literally doing with air mattresses, sleeping bags and a camping table). Thursday our fridge/freezer was delivered so we are able to purchase more than one meals goods individually saving both money and time. Friday our phone was installed and today it even rang when they called to tell us our washer/dryer will be delivered next Wednesday. Who would have thought that such seemingly banal domestic occurances would bring such delight! If nothing else, this exercise has taught me that our needs really are very simple. The rest is window dressing. Something to think about.

Oh - and I nearly forgot - the biggest achievment of them all - Axel has achieved official status by getting a bank account. This may seem like no big deal to those USA folks, but trust me when I say that it is no small matter here. Next step is for me to get my name added to the account, which should me relatively simple. Should being the key word. We shall see how it pans out in reality.

Today we are going for a tour of Sackville College. A 17th century almshouse that is just down the road and around the corner from where we live. It is notable for many reasons, my favorite being that it is where the carol Good King Wenceslas. was written. My woefully ignorant family has never heard of this lovely little ditty and could care less, but it has long been a favorite of mine and I am quite excited to be in proximatey of such history. I guess I am weird that way. What can I say.

As soon as we get better internet access I will be posting lots of good pictures of all the incredible architecture and gorgeous countryside we are surrounded by. It is truly a wonderous place where we live. There will also be no shortage of the bizzare, strange, and humorous as well. I am finally able to appreciate all the shows I have watched on PBS over the years for what they are. I swear that Hyacinth Bucket lives down the road, and today while sipping my coffee at the local cafe' the prototype for Patsy (a'la AbFab) was perched at an outdoor table taking long pulls on her cigarette as punctuating every sentance with a wave and a 'dahling'. Great stuff I tell ya. Great stuff.


Anonymous said...

Hooray for furniture!!! Glad things are progressing. ~Christine

Unknown said...

Anja misses Max and Maizy so much. This morning she woke up and the first thing she said was "I am never going to see Max and Maizy again." It breaks my heart. :( I know things will get better when she starts school and makes new friends. But nothing will ever be the same as her buddies back home. sigh...

Anonymous said...

Hi guys!
Glad to hear you are starting to settle down. I wanted to pass on to Axel that Tiffany and Jesse Nielsen (not sure if you met them, Katie) ended up buying your house in Gladstone! Small world... I was joking when I talked to her and she said they bought a home out there. Oh, did you buy Axel & Katie's house.. ha ha? Come to find out, they did, but were not aware of it at the time. She told me she saw one of Jesse's birdhouses in the backyard and thought it was a sign... =o)

Miss you tons. The states are not the same without you. I have no doubt that you are all taking Europe by storm.
