25 August 2005

Drink and drink and drink and drink and drink and FIGHT!

The Brits are idiots when they get drunk. Nothing like living in the center of town to give you an up-close and personal look into what people act like when they tip a few back. Right now there are a group of guys in the street below my window yelling and swearing about something. Not sure what. I am not sure they know what they are yelling about truth to be told. For all the decorum and formality displayed during sober hours, they really do turn into raving lunatics when you put a bit of alcohol into them.

There is this huge controversy right now about the extension of drinking hours that is fast approaching. Currently all alcohol sales must stop at 11:00pm. This seems ridiculously early coming from the land of 2:30am last calls. At first when I heard about the uproar surrounding the new law allowing for 24 hour sales (with most sellers applying for midnight to 1:00am cutoffs) my first thought was silly that everyone was in such a tizzy over it. But now that I have lived here, on the main street of town just doors away from several different drinking establishments, I can understand a bit better what the big fuss is all about. These people are fucking maniacs when under the influence. Seriously. They go fucking nuts. Some people say extending the drinking hours will let people drink more leisurely as opposed to getting in maximum quantity with which to fuel the rest of their night’s activity therefore cutting down on binge drinking. That thinking is optimistic at best. I predict what they will get is people drinking just as heavily but further into the night. The result of which is likely to be much more fucked up idiots yelling about who the fuck knows what later in the night. And vomit. Lots of vomit. Of course there is always the chance they will just pass out in the street. At least then they will be quiet.

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