25 September 2005

No more war!

Anja says NO MORE WAR!
Originally uploaded by BeneathOurFeet.

We were originally scheduled to attend a birthday party in London for Anja's friend, but her mother came down ill so they had to postpone it until a later date. Of course Anja was devastated, but she soon brightened up when she heard that meant we could go and call George Bush a Poo Poo head in a big peace march.

She begged to carry a sign, blew a whistle and chanted along with the rest of us. My little peace child! She marched the entire route from Parliament Square to Hyde Park. That is no short hike, let me tell ya! She especially loved the chant/song "Power To The People". That's my girl!

It was a great march. I am really glad we were able to go. All week I have been hearing about the big rally in Washington DC and the other ones around the country and feeling a bit melancholy about not being a part of it. If you know me at all you know how much I love a good demonstration. The official report said 10,000 people, which is a total crock of shit. I have been to marches in Portland with 50,000 people and this was much more than that. There were easily up to 100,000 people there. People from all over the world, from a huge variety of backgrounds. It was a real world demand for an end to the madness.

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